Monday, July 13, 2009

Coding for Communicators

I recently attended a workshop titled "Reaching your Readers," subtitled "Crafting Effective Communication at Work." This is the first time in years (decades?) that I've taken the time to actually think about the writing process. We covered the basics (grammar, punctuation and the AP Stylebook), then delved into writing for an internal audience. It was actually interesting stuff for a reluctant English major who chose a degree plan based on how to spend the maximum amount of time in the campus radio's news department.

As we walked through the rules for grammar and punctuation, I couldn't help but think of folks learning English as a second language. For every rule, there is an exception!

I also flashed back to a programming course from a years ago (UNIX anyone?) and realized that these grammar and punctuation rules were just the coding standards for writers!

After a day and a half in class, I hope I'm a more conscientious writer. And I swore to no longer end sentences with.....


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